Chains of Olympus is everything you want in a prequal, GOW fans and non-fans alike will love its gameplay and intensity.

User Rating: 9 | God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
We've seen the GOW series 2 times before, God of war and God of war 2. Both were amazing and made you thing killing a matador by stabbing his face with your knives, just awesome. Well when you bought God of war 2 you read the manual just to check it out, and what did you see? You saw on the back of it a ad for Chains of Olmypus, WHATT!!!? Thats awesome thats what we all thought, and since that ad it has probaly been the most anticapated PSP game ever. And it is here and is definartly all its cracked up to be, its just fantastic. Teh bloody brutal gameplay is back and the awesome dialogue and soundtrack it back as well.

The gameplay is solid and everything you'd expect form SCEA while making this fantastic. Who said size mattered? This game is huge and is awesome the fighting areas are huge and all the enemies are balanced it difficulty, just perfect. The attacks are the same, but to open crates it O other than that everything is just like it was on the PS2 and collection for PS3. To dodge you have to hold down the L and R pad its easy and very accurate where you roll. The only downfall is that there arnt as many puzzles as the original had, just not enough at all. But all you perverts ( like myself lol jk) The sex mini game is back and of course that means that Kratos is still coooler than ever doing to with naked persian chicks, way to go kratos.

From a graphical perspective this game is really beutiful and its huge, no game can come close on the PSP that looks like this game. This game is just a great looking game, period.

The story is a pre-qual to the other games and that all im saying becuase you need to experiance this yourself.

All in all if you have a PSP play this game.