Chains of Olympus is a superb game on the PSP and pushes the system to its limits.

User Rating: 8.5 | God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
God of War is one of the greatest action adventure games to come out. When it first came out on the Play Station 2, it blew everyone away with its awesome game play, great graphics and bloody finisher moves. Now God of War comes to the PSP in the form of a prequel. Is it any good? Well you are going to find out.

God of War Chains of Olympus opens up in one of the most epic fight scenes on the PSP. You are fighting of the Persians and they have released a Basilisk to help them fight. Kratos must fight off the invaders and kill the Basilisk. After that Kratos is sent on a mission to save the planet from an unknown evil who has taken Helios out of the sky so that the sun doesn't shine. Kratos sets off on an adventure to find out what happened and also, to follow his Daughter into the Underworld. The story is actually pretty good and interesting.

Now the main reason why you bought this game was for the combat and that works really well here. The PSP has been known to produce frustrating adventure games do to the button and joystick layout, but God of War Chains of Olympus works really well. The combat is smooth and the character movement works well. The camera can still be a problem, but for the most part it works well.

Kratos has a few weapons he can use and some magic to. He has his trusty Blades of Chaos and another weapon called the Gauntlet of Zeus. He also has a few spells, one which lets Kratos pound the ground and destroy anything near by. The weapons are cool and allow you to do some brutal finishing moves on enemies.

God of War isn't all about combat. There are some platforming elements and puzzle elements. Though the puzzles aren't the hardest and the platforming isn't the best, it is still a great way to mix up things here and there.

If God of War Chains of Olympus has one problem, it is momentum. The game starts out amazing, but towards the end gets a bit boring, because, all it does is throw the same enemies at you over and over again in these narrow corridors. But the game picks up again right at the very end. At the end of the game it ends on a high note. God of War Chains of Olympus also isn't a very long game. I fact it only takes about 8 hours to complete, but it is a very good 8 hours of game play.

The graphics in Chains of Olympus are awesome. The environments look amazing for a PSP game, and seeing a giant Basilisk climb over a bunch of buildings off in the distance looks awesome. The character models also look pretty good.

The sound in this game sounds amazing for a PSP game. This is one game that sounds great on consoles as well as hand helds. The music is epic and the voice acting sounds good to.

God of War Chains of Olympus is an awesome game that any action adventure fan needs to pick up and play.