It's God of War, on the go. What more can you ask for?

User Rating: 9 | God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
God of War 2 ended witha cliffhanger, which would be wrapped in GOW 3. But around 2008, Sony has gaved us something to hold us over.
God Of War: Chains of Olympus.

PROS: Graphics are nice for the PSP. The music, once again, its awesome. The over the top gore that the series is known. Storys Good.

CONS: Its Short. Easy mode is...Well too easy. Some Embarrassing moments will pop up when you play in public.

This game takes place before the first game. Making Chains of Olympus a prequel. The graphics for the PSP, is well done, and the music, once again, is fantastic as ever. Actually, i would'nt mind if this game was released for the PS2, its that good for a handheld game. So good that it has to be on a console. But maybe i'm wrong.

The action is back! More gore, and over the top violence the series is known for.

The game, however, is short. You'll probably beat the story in about...3 hours, and the challenge mode all together is about an hour, however waiting for God of War 3 took 2 years. So...yeah! The easy mode is way too easy, well of course, its freaking Easy Mode. But still, it's way too easy for Easy mode. Now for the huge negative.

Some things might cross over as an embarrassment, when some one is looking over you shoulder on the bus on your way too High School. I am of course, talking about the presentation of nudity, and sex. However if your sitting in the very back than you may get a way with it.

Chains of Olympus is superb, and is a good staller until God of War 3 came out. And also. It's God of War, on the go. What more can you ask for? I don't know.