Kratos returns on PSP in a nice debut. Ghost of Sparta did justice after the great sucess of GOW 3.

User Rating: 9 | God of War: Ghost of Sparta PSP
For some time I have been thinking in buying this game since Chains of Olympus(that I borrowed from a friend) were too short. Thankfully this game ups it's price and make a great debut on the PSP. Here's my thoughts:

Graphics 9,0/10: There isn't much to tell about this aspect except that it can, and most likely is, the most gorgeous game on the handheld. Not only the models and animations are incredible well made, but also the game presents a solid texture, in the characters and specially in the enviroments, who look amazing and realistic, of course, the scenarios are not that varied, but considering the plot it suits perfectly the PSP, even when fighting gigantic bosses you can see how well rendered and how powerfull the portable really is. The major drawback here is some visual hiccups that may appear, but in overall the game is stable for this end.

Audio 9,5/10: Needless to say, just by watching the opening animation, you can see how the actors did an excelent job in portraing the characters, Kratos and all the main characters from the plot are incredibly well articulated, also the monsters and some ill-lucky people that stroll around the scenarios are nicely made, even in their desperate pleas for salvation to the gods can be fantastic made. Also the surrondings effects, like lava or just water makes a perfect blend for anyone ears, making this one of the best audio ever to be catalogued on the PSP.

Gameplay 8,0/10: Perhaps here is where the game lack for the most. Despite being extremely well coordinated, having nice and responsive controls and a handfull arsenal of combos and powers to use, Ghost of Sparta sticks too much on the basics of the series, having many of the same moveset over and over CAN be a bit disapointing. This of course doesn't really brings down the greatest fights that the game have to offer, and the designers really kept their word when expanding the gameplay toward Chains of Olympus. Overall being a bit to much attached to the previous instalments may have nerfed some innovation but the game keeps the memento easily in all.

Replay 8,5/10: With an extensive about 8-10 hours(regarding how you play the game) combined with some artifact hunting for the second run on the history, and most important, an Arena mode that allows you (after unlocking the beasts) clash with any number of creatures you encountered in your journey, Ghost of Sparta really deserves more than a single run in, in fact the this game have far more appeal than it's predecessor Chains of Olympus, being more extensive and offering more, I really recomend that since normally straightfoward action games does little for a second try.

Overall 9,0/10: Ghost of Sparta really shines on PSP, not only because of it's impressive visuals, but also by making a great prologue to what is about to happen in GoW 2 on PS2. Even when you are not a big fan of the series, this title deserves it's shot if you are looking for a nice real packed action on the portable.