Why Kratos, what big blades you have!

User Rating: 9.5 | God of War III PS3
I'm not a bad guy,honestly,I'm not;but there's just something about spilling a centaur's guts on the floor,breaking a minotaur's neck and decapitating a three headed hound that satisfies me.

Yes people,I spent my weekend helping my good old friend Kratos scale to the top of Mount Olympus to have a little heart-to-heart with his dad- and no,he wasn't looking for lunch money

Following in the suit of its predecessors, God of War's third installment plots Kratos as the main protagonist in an amazingly rich and beautifully designed ancient Greece.The level of detail and the gore in this game is absolutely mind-blowing.Along with the Titans,a couple of friends he picked up on one of his regular morning strolls through Tartarus,Kratos is out for Zeus' blood.

The game begins with Kratos atop of Gaia,the Earth titan,who leads the siege of Olympus.After an epic opening cinematic,focus switches to Kratos and you begin your long journey that will see you traversing the depth's of Hades,Daedalus' Labyrinth and the not-as-it-seems garden of Hera.

As usual,Kratos leaves nothing but broken bones and the bloodied corpses of mutilated foes in his wake.Not even the gods of Olympus are spared Kratos' brutality.Quicktime kill sequences look much better due to the upgraded level of detail but it's too bad that there's still only one sequence per creature type though.When not in battle,there are tricky puzzles to solve; and even though they're not as challenging as the ones in the earlier God of War games,they provide the player a much needed pause from action and a chance to appreciate the beauty of the environment.

Indeed,there's never a dull moment and with such a good framerate and such fast load times,your adventure is seamless and uninterrupted.Overall playtime for me was about 11hours,but I'm an advanced level player when it comes to the GOW franchise.Average gamers should be able to squeeze 18 to 20 hours out of the game.All in all,God of War 3 is a stunning game and a fitting finale to the critcally acclaimed trilogy.Razor sharp graphics,solid gameplay,and a storyline you wish you'd thought of.

IMPORTANT:Please take a piss and dump before you start playing this game.If you don't,you'll understand later.