Godzilla generations

User Rating: 4 | Godzilla Generations DC
Ah godzilla, the baddas monster who cause the chaos and destruction. Godzilla not only famous on the movie, but also the video game, but sadly some of his game isn't too good and kinda boring, so now i'll try review this game. First, The character is...All i can say is lack of variety, You can play as 6 characters, 4 of them are godzilla ( Zilla) and the rest are mechagodzilla and Dr. Serizawa. The gameplay is too slow, the control is too stiff, and the character model is too blocky ( except mecha godzilla), you only destroying the city and that's it, there's no boss battle or anything. The only good things is, you can play as 1954 godzilla & godzilla 1998. The sound effect is decent, the roar of the monster is pretty good too ( althought, mecha godzilla use heisei roar rather than the showa). Overall, this is not a good game for who like the fightning genre, but if you're a hardcore fans of Godzilla, you maybe can give it a try. See you later.