One of the best FPS for the Wii.

User Rating: 8.5 | GoldenEye 007 WII
Back in 1997 There was a little game called Goldeneye 007 what was known as a revolutionary Fps,(Oh no he's starting the review out like this lol) no I'm just kidding, to be honest I was one of the very few people who had an N64 but did not have this game in fact I had never even played the one for N64, so I really would have no idea how to compare the two so I'm just going to talk about this game. So lets start with the campaign it is really enjoyable, I love that most of this game you rely on sneaking around to kill all your enemy's then just going right at them to kill them all, theirs not really too much to say about the campaign it's really fun and it's worth getting just for the campaign mode.

So lets talk about the offline multiplayer then I will talk about the online multiplayer. First off Their are a lot of outstanding levels, their are very few that I don't like most of them are really enjoyable and I love playing them the offline game play is fun, but how is the online game play, just as good? I think so there are some flaws but overall I like it, I would like to talk about those flaws now though, one huge flaw in the online game play is that when you are playing on a team, and they are in the same area as the other team, you end up responding near the other team and have no chance of running away and they kill you within seconds, Just simply annoying and it seems to happen a lot, and when it comes to playing on a team they always make unfair teams like putting 3 level 56's against you and a bunch of noobs is that really fair they have all the good weapons while the rest of your team has sucky ones not to mention most of the time those players suck, but other then that though the online game play is really fun and I enjoy it a whole lot.

Overall If you liked the one on the N64 you will probably like this one, the campaign is fun and keeps it from not only being a Fps but also a stealth it's enjoyable and I would say it is worth getting it just for the Campaign mode but if you play online then thats another plus and it would be of more worth to you then, so basically what I am saying here is if you are a Fps fan then I would get this game.