GT 7 review

User Rating: 9 | Gran Turismo 7 PS5

The latest version of Gran Turismo is a superb racing game! Its beauty in celebrating the love of fine cars and teaching players about some of the greatest car brands is done in a fun and exciting way. The game is a simulation of being the man on the track and the physics and realism are fine-tuned and smooth.

You start with the license portion of the game, which I have always enjoyed. You can see your friend’s times and half the fun is beating those and chasing to be the best. There are a lot of tracks to race all over the world. You get some drift, dirt, and time trails to break up the kind of racing. You collect cars and advance your career earning credits to upgrade your rides and buy other cars if you want.

There is a paint shop where you can personalize your cars. A tuning shop to upgrade them. A photo mode called Scapes where you can take all the pictures of them. You can go online and race others and get ranked. This game has everything a driving fan would want. My only complaint is the damage model is weak and that is one area they could improve down the line.

If you are a fan of racing and own a PS5, pick this game up!