I'm a huge Aerosmith fan, in fact this is my favorite band, but this is just boring and broken sometimes.

User Rating: 6.5 | Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Bundle) X360
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is a different game in the Guitar Hero series. This one focuses most of the game on one of the greatest American Rock bands of all time, Aerosmith. Featuring Tracks Aerosmith fans like I love, like Walk this Way, Rag Doll, Love in an Elevator, and Toys In the Attic. It's missing some essential songs like Dude Looks Like a Lady, but it's really only missing 3 important songs. All of the songs like Mama Kin, Make it, Movin Out, and Dream On are from the first album, and they couldn't find the master tracks so they re-recorded those songs (put them up for download, they are actually better than the originals besides Dream On)

But theres also the others bands... That's right. An Aerosmith game has other bands.

Not that most of these are that much of a problem though. All these bands either inspired Aerosmith to play, (bands such as the Kinks) played with Aerosmith (Stone Temple Pilots) or had something to do with Aerosmith such as helping them write a song, (Lenny Kravitz) or Aerosmith just likes the band and wants them in the game.

While the setlist is great, theres many problems. First of all, the HOs/POs are broken compaired to any HOs/POs besides Guitar Hero 1. Also the charts are kinda boring, and also this was released during the time RB was out, so theres no drums, or vocals. There is Bass and Rythm but it's a snore fest. (no offense to Tom Hamelton and Brad Witford. Your sections sound good they are just kinda boring to play) Also this is the only GH game I have bought to were the visuals lag a bit. Also the note chart looks kinda blurry (I don't have this problem with other games) and there's no wide screen feature. So I'm stuck with a freakin huge chart.

So really, even if you are an Aerosmith fan, don't buy this game. You'd be better off buying Smash Hits and only playing Back In the Saddle actually.