Although almost done to death, Warriors of Rock provides an impressive tracklisting.

User Rating: 9 | Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock X360
Everyone probably knows what the Guitar Hero series is so there's no point explaining the concept. Armed with your plastic guitar, microphone, and drum peripherals, you and/or your chums can play along to a vast selection of classic rock, modern rock and metal songs. In terms of presentation, it is very much like Guitar Hero 5. The biggest change is the career mode (renamed 'Quest Mode') which now has a story of the characters transforming into monster looking versions of themselves, claiming the legendary axe (guitar) and awakening the rock demi-god. Each character has a power such as gaining star power on successive notes, extra combo multipliers, or ability to gain extra stars. It does get a bit over-the-top when all powers are activated and you can rack up 40 stars per song and ends up feeling a bit skill-less. Although some people won't like this idea, it is optional in the Quickplay mode, which is renamed Quickplay+ because of the optional challenges. These challenges are like the ones found in the career of Guitar Hero 5 which can be based on score, alternate strumming, utilising star power, and performing hammer-ons and pull-offs. You can select another players score to target, so can form rivalries with your friends. The track listing is fantastic, there's a large quantity of songs (around 90) ranging through the decades, and a lot of the modern songs are taken straight from my music collection, so I had an affinity with the game. Because of the variety of songs, there is a nice range of difficulty so there is a challenge for everyone. If you still have the passion for Guitar Hero, then Warriors of Rock is definitely recommended.