My favorite game is the series

User Rating: 8.5 | Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock PS3
To start I have been playing the GH series sense the first Guitar Hero so I am really good at the game. I love the series and I find it to be really addicting and this one is no exception.

Well there isn't much to say about the gameplay of any GH game. All you do is press buttons and strum to match the corrosponding notes on the screen. You tilt the guitar or press select to deploy starpower for a higher multiplier and to save you butt if you're in the red. That's just about it.

Unlike other Guitar Hero games this one actually has a thought out story. The Demi God of rock was fighting a giant monster called the Scourge of Rock. The god is defeated and imprisoned in stone. He sends out a call to warriors around the world to help. Your goal is to recrute warriors to join your army to save the god. You have to transform them into their warrior form by collecting enough power stars. Every character has their own setlist of songs you have to play. Each song in their setlist deals with their Attitude and Appearance(Example: Johnny Napalm has a Punk Attitude so his setlist will be all Punk). Each character has their own powers and when you transform them into their warrior form their power get better and more powerful. Once you have 4 players you play a setlist that deals with finding the Legendary Guitar which has the album 2112 by rush. After that you get the guitar and then you have to recrute 4 more warriors. Then you fight the Scourge of Rock which is an all Megadeth setlist. After 2 songs you then release the Demi God and then you fight the Scourge in one last song. You beat the Scourge and then you unlock some of the hardest songs in the game. Then you can do what ever you want now.

I have not been a fan of some GH setlists but Warriors of Rock's setlist is just plain amazing. I mean it has songs from some of my favorite bands; like Def Leopard, Pantera, Neil Young, Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth, Deep Purple, Blue Oyster Cult, Black Sabbath, Foreigner, CCR, Slipknot, Dethklok, Five Finger Death Punch, even Dragonforce and the list goes on! There is also over a one hundred songs available for download like Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, and Megadeth.

Guitar Hero warriors of rock has the best setlist in the series and an amazing Quest Mode. The gameplay is nothing different from Guitar Hero 5 which is the downfall.