Valve's big mistake with the half-life saga.......Blue Shift.......

User Rating: 7.7 | Half-Life: Blue Shift PC
Half-Life:Blue Shift does'nt quite measure up to the value of the other games,here I will explain why.

First off,the intensity does'nt quite measure up to all the other half-life games,which immeadietly brings it down to the least popular.

Next off,the length of the game is short,therefore it did'nt quite give enough time to the player to get used to being in the shoes B.Calhoun.

This game also has no multiplayer whatsoever,therefore when you finish the game,your pretty much done with it,which sadly will occur quickly.

This game has to be the easiest half-life game in existence............Therefore also adding to my list of flaws.

The gameplay of this game is alright,mediocre at best.If they added a little more difficulty,it would've been a much better game.

The sound,on the other hand is probably one of the best in any original half-life game,which is one of the best parts.

The graphics of this game are just as good as any original half-life game,which also adds up to the short list of good parts of this game.

Also what you go through as B.Calhoun adds up to Gordon Freeman's story,and you get to see a surprise appearence by him.....Which also helps the game out.

It all adds up to this.........


No multiplayer.
Short game.
Small level of intensity.
easy gameplay.


Good sound,equal to the original.
Good graphics,also equal to the original.
Ties into the Half-Life story.

I think Valve could of done better than this,first the original,then opposing force,and now this..........I believe that releasing this game in this state was a mistake.

If your a die hard Half-Life fan,or just looking for a short story,go for it.
But if your looking for a thriller,this game sadly will dissapoint you greatly.
