My Journey Through Halo 2 (Spoilers)

User Rating: 8 | Halo 2 XBOX

Halo 2 is a science fiction first person action shooter where you play as both the main protagonist of Halo 1, the Master Chief, and the main antagonist of Halo 1, the Arbiter. This sci-fi shooter released in 2004 told a compelling narrative through the narrative of the game, but also created a completive scene as it contained non-LAN gameplay through Xbox live. IGN’s rating of Halo 2 was 8 out of 10 and considered to be a rival to the other big FPS Call of Duty.

One of the best aspects of Halo 2 for me was the narrative of the series which includes the plot from the game, but also the characters throughout the series. Although the game is second of the trilogy, the game requires little to no information from the previous game to make sense as the story telling in the game explains the current events. One unique aspect in Halo 2 is that you play through opposing sides of the plot: both Humanities fight for survival and the Covenants quest for their “Holy Journey” so the player does not experience just a one-sided story but learns the reasons behind the actions of the enemy.

Furthermore, the game’s aesthetics ranging from the soundtrack to the overall feel of the game allows the player to enter the science fiction universes where it is humanities last stand for survival. The use of sound in the game make it come to life ranging from the explosion of the needler to the explosion from a rocket launcher and my favorite the opening theme for Halo that is played when something intense occurs. I found it interesting that the theme song for Halo 1-3 are the same notes just played on different instruments giving it a unique twist on the classic Halo sound. This is symbolic of the game itself since the three games of the original trilogy contain many of the same features such as a “lone wolf” like feeling where you are the driving force behind the plot, but also the final level of each game ends with a level in which you drive a warthog through an exploding item while the Halo theme plays in the background. Halo 2 specifically has the theme song played on an electric guitar so in the final level while driving a warthog and hearing monk like chanting it breaks out into an electric guitar with a rising beat and it just gets your adrenaline going. Overall the feel of the game matches the soundtrack as there are action scenes for most of the game, but some somber scenes that change how the player feels in the moment, but ultimately gives them the motivation to complete the game.

Halo as a series has interesting commentary on society concerning authority with regards to blink loyalty vs being a soldier. The main opposing force to humanities survival is the allegiance known as “The Covenant” who are on a “holy journey” to fire the Halo rings as they are creations of their gods. The Arbiter was tasked in Halo one to protect a ring, but Master Chief destroyed it and therefore Arbiter was relieved as his duty and symbolically reborn as a redeemer by undertaking near suicidal missions. His motivation behind completing these tasks are a result of his faith in the Prophets, leaders of The Covenant, and his own personal religion. In the campaign however, he meets a creation of their Gods’ and learns the truth behind what he actually occurs when the rings are fired. A sense of confusion can be felt by the player as the Arbiter learns his prophets are false and he believe in the cause fully. Master Chief on the other hand represents the dilemma for a soldier as he does what he is told rather than what he thinks is right. A flood character known as Gravemind explains to the main characters in a cutscene about how Master Chief “is machine and nerve, and has his mind concluded. (To the Arbiter) This one is of blood and faith and more deluded.” Gravemind further states “If you will not hear the truth, then I will show it to you” as he brings a Cartographer to explain the Halo rings and a Prophet to explain that their faith is in vain. Although Gravemind is one of the antagonists, he declares “I am a monument to all your sins” with regard to the actions both of them performed for their cause as it was killing people and then Gravemind itself is a killer. The interactions between the main characters and the Arbiter help convey the overall narrative and commentary in Halo 2.

Overall, I personally enjoyed the game and thought it was a very fun and exciting adventure. Owning the Master Chief collection allowed me to play through all of the campaigns giving a full picture of the created universe, but Halo 2 is the best game of the three. Halo 2 was the longest and the most challenging play through, but it was fun trying new things and experience what I played growing up. I tried out various skulls to modify the gameplay and explored different Easter Eggs throughout the game. The most famous known as the Scarab Gun is available for weapon use without finding it which makes for some funny encounters with enemies. Overall if you would like a fun shooter with a great soundtrack I would recommend playing Halo 2. This game is hard, so I would recommend playing it on easy for your time, but if you enjoy try it on Legendary. I hope everyone has a nice day. Thank you.