Ehhh. More Halo but nothing really interesting.

User Rating: 6.5 | Halo 3: ODST X360
I really don't know about this game. I mean it's Halo and all, but you play as a normal soldier and not Master Chief, so a little blah. They have some made up story that I didn't care about the story or the characters. It was kind of cool that they had the hub world to roam around in between the missions, but even that got kind of boring after a while. They were trying to make it interesting as you were finding audio recordings that I guess lead somewhere but the game finished before I could find them all and couldn't be bothered to go back after to find them.

In summary, I'm writing this review like a month after finishing it, and I can barely remember it at all. I guess that says what I thought of it.

I didn't play any of the multi-player stuff so I can't comment on that.

I guess if you can find it for under $20 like I did you can check it out, but otherwise skip it.