Ok im just going to start this, this is reedjos08, the game is halo zero, and let's go.

User Rating: 5 | Halo Zero PC
Well im not certain what the story is about, its supposed to be based after a book about halo, but you cant always tell, you have to shoot passed 2d grunts, hunters and the elites, after you go into a ship and crash land then more things happen, but you can play the game to find those things out.

this is game is different to all halo games because its 2d, so its not a first person shooter, but you still get the halo fell. You still shoot things; there are still warthog fights where you shoot the truant at the same time as driving the car, some enemies are easier to kill than normal, especially the hunters, they are not as powerful as they should be, but that's not to much of a bad thing.

Just like halo 1, you can change the controls, but you can do that your self.

there is not much history to this game, its based after a book and its not a official bungee game, that's right its fan made, he did a good job for what he was working with, fans are rarely hoping halo zero 2 will be beater, I all ready have downloaded the beta.

Ok first, don't play the online, its bad; the hunters are still strong so in harder difficulty's you may have to fight it logically, try to though plasma grenades or walk back while fighting them, they can't walk and shoot.

If you haven't noticed already I have got ride of the design and added to more sections. The music is from halo 1 I think, and is quite good but nothing new.

Remember in halo one you could not use the energy sword, same thing is in this game, and they can use it, the online is broken and the levels aren't long enough, and guess what, instead of fighting intelligent covernet, its like fighting five year olds.

The games design is bill, even though the sun fears should not really be there, and some game play is awesome expressly the warthogs, they are fun to drive.

The game Is not the best but hay, it is brill for the 20 minuets of level time, and the game has some good replay value, all in all it's a fun but easy game, my next review will be super smash bros brawl, the first of my top ten games of all time count down see you gamer, reedjos08 out.