This glossy, hollywood-style produced game deserves a better fate.

User Rating: 8.5 | Heavenly Sword PS3
There are very few games out there with a female character that is not only good looking but also credible as a character with more depth then a piece of paper.

While not always successful in doing that, it does a way more better job then most. The voice acting is great, the animations, the beautiful painting like environments, it all adds class and flair, making this rail game come alive.

While the gameplay can be interpreted as dull and repetitive, it does have a fairly wide range of moves and combo's.

It's just too hard to tell because you move too fast. You kinda have to otherwise you get clobbered by a throng of barbarians.

Story wise there are also very few things to critique, apart from being it too short.

All in all this is a little gem that just got lost in a genre of a franchise that is littered with big budgeted competition.