With so many RTS's flooding the market, and this brings a great refreshing change worth every second.

User Rating: 9.5 | Homeworld: Game of the Year Edition PC
in this day and age unique doesn't always cut it, and the ability to capture people who aren't into orcs and knights is something of a hard ship to actually pull them, and here is homeworld, a game that adds a great story, and another axis to create for some interesting and unique gameplay.


The story of homeworld is very complext for a RTS game, your planet is a lie, you are an alien to the planet you have called home for so long, and now thanks to the discovery of the "guidestone" your true homeworld is far away, and its time to return. You build a mothership and its up to you and the crew of the galactic....I mean mothership to get back home. The threats are unknown and space is vast, you will need help.

The story is amazing, its battlestar galactica meets star wars, meets gothic artwork.The story is done through animated black and white comic photos, and through cutscenes done in game, but this story which I won't spoil from only the opening movie, you will enjoy. Anyway, go experience this for yourself and also there is a lot of backstory because the instruction book is not really INSTRUCTION BOOK IS REALLY A BOOK! its like 300 pages of history on each ship, technology, and 100 years before the actually event takes place, this game has massive depth and is amazing.


the graphics are very empty...in a sense, space is vast and you can honestly feel it with how big the maps are due to the Z axis,, the large vistas and backdrops are nicely done and when you zoom out, the ship gets extremely small even if they are captial class ships, also another thing is how nicely done and detailed each and every ship is for every race and the unique textures for each of them.


the chatter from each and every unit is unique and the same, in the sense of every RTS but each of them report when they are under attack and the songs are unique and heres a tip get the soundtrack its great and calm for some of the levels. Anyways basic RTS sounds but GREAT VOICE ACTING in the cut scenes.


ok it is hard as hell to find anyone that plays this game anymore but when it did come out, put a few days aside because the fleet battles could become massive and the ability to get free monies over time makes for a great time and a full fleet on fleet attacks.


in the bigging you learn how to micro task small fighter units, then it grows and grows into fleets and multiple tasks and becomes massive and massive battles, with many explosions and this is where all the hotkeys come into play and the ability to quickly hot swap between fleets and units and the many building and research queries all AT ONCE. The game play is solid, and I found myself taking the time to harvest everything I could because I needed all my resources for my ship building. This game, requires A WHOLE lot of multi tasking and if you aren't good at RTS this game does not forgive for those who don't like it, but if you like RTS games, then you will love this game.


this is a rare gem, many people let this game slip past them due to the starcraft reign,but for the many that did take sierra and relics game of greatness have not been disappointed with a RTS rushed game, this game is solid, it has everything you want in a RTS, great multiplayer, great gameplay, vast battles and the great story that each game needs. you will not be disappointed at all!