Not quite as good as the first but still plenty of fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | inFamous 2 PS3
I really enjoyed the first game in this series. The mix between open world and a semi-new concept was fresh and inviting. The story line was also fairly solid and by the end I was wanting more to figure out what in the world this Beast was.

Alas, in the second game, right from the start, you find out who the Beast is and what your goal will likely be as the game progresses. Though the game has a fairly straight forward and not necessarily important moral choice system, you still have a good bit of fun whether you decide to be good to bad. Couple with this a nice range of side missions, let alone fan made quests, and you have lots of hours of fun ready to go.

Visually, Infamous is fairly well done. Whether you're dealing with just environmental set pieces, big boss fights, or the variety of cinematics, you'll find yourself pleased with the overall approach. The game does a pretty good job in this area though you won't likely find yourself finding this game to be in the top of the heap in this area on the PS3.

Right from the start the story gets you going from where the first game left off. While it is not too inspired or deeply involved, it is enough to keep the pace going as you hound through the different sections of the game world. Yet, one will be surprised to find that the AI in this one is actually something that shows it's not perfectly done. In many instances you can readily sneak up on the baddies without them ever knowing you're there. This is no Killzone! For me, this actually made the game, at times, a bit frustrating as fighting is such an important component of t his game. You just come away feeling a little cheated at times that they didn't do a better job.

Ultimately, this game is definitely worth a play especially if you're a fan of the first one. I'm excited to see what comes next!