An open world experience that keeps on ticking

User Rating: 8.5 | inFamous 2 PS3
In Infamous 2 you reprise your role as Cole MacGrath, and arrive in the new open world city of New Marais. The story is enjoyable, but the main goal is to attain more power so that you can defeat the beast. Along the way your choices will change how the story plays out. You will come across an interesting character named Nix, who is a very strong woman. Also you come across a villain named Joseph Bertrand who is a delight to kill in the latter portion of the game. Along the way you will also fight against a militia that serves Bertrand's will, and it is all on the promise that Bertrand will keep New Marais safe.

The mechanics are pretty much the same, so expect on occasion to have a camera that has a mind of its own. Your good buddy Zeke has built a melee weapon just for you, it is called the Amp, and think of it having similarities to a lightsaber. The climbing is same as the last game, so if you enjoyed climbing buildings in the first game then you will enjoy exploring, and collecting blast shards. Cole's powers are fun to experiment with. You unlock powers as you progress. Powers range from shooting a simple blast to several blasts the come flying out like an automatic weapon. When you run out of energy for your powers, just drain from light poles, and other sources of electricity.

This is one of the best open world games, and the engine runs great. Voice acting is awesome, and each actor brings the characters to life. The voices all match the characters lip moving, so lip syncing is handled to great effect. Infamous 2 is an extremely fun game with lots of polish, and few flaws. Anyone that is a fan of superheroes, comic books, or open world games should check this one out.