Better than the first game, but retains many of its flaws.

User Rating: 7 | inFamous 2 PS3
Cole MacGrath is back (this time voiced by a new actor who sounds like, but isn't, Robert Patrick) and Empire City isn't. In the opening scene of the game the town is destroyed by a demonic Goliath known only as 'The Beast'.

Cole and Zeke escape to the southern city of New Marais as the Beast destroys its way down the east coast in pursuit. While there Cole is involved in many similar missions and quests as before. The blast shards, the dead drops, the upgrades, the factions...they are all back. Unfortunately so are the problems. I am sick to death of Cole clinging like a magnet to surfaces that I don't want to touch, it makes it very hard to escape conflict or to complete race missions. The camera can be a bit spinny on occasion too.

New Marais is a more visually striking city too, and is more fun to fly around in than the dull, gray environment of the previous game. There are more likeable characters this time around, which makes the grind through the story missions more endurable. If you still have a saved game on your system from Infamous the sequel will use that save to instantly upgrade your character upon starting, which I thought was cool.

If there will ever be an Infamous 3 I will give it a go, but Sucker Punch need to mix it up a little bit and fix those annoying flaws. Still a great game to get into though.

Graphics B
Sound B+
Gameplay B+
Lasting Appeal B