This game helps you discover if you're good or evil

User Rating: 9 | inFamous PS3

Infamous is an open world game where you can either help people or kill people and cause destruction. You're character is Cole, he has electric powers that allows him to shoot out a force field, throw an electric grenade, shoot out electric blast, make a shield and more. If you use up all of your power, you just need to find an electric source to recharge yourself like traffic lights, cars, light posts, batteries, even a person's energy. As you go further into the game the amount of power you can use before needing a recharge increases. Then once you have completed all of the missions and beat the game you can travel around the city doing whatever you want. There are two meters one is a straight line with circles that shows you how much power you have, and a circular one that shows how good or bad you are. When you're good the meter and your electricity is blue and it stays blue if you help people and stop criminals, but if you do bad stuff like kill people, steal their energy, keep them stuck to the ground, or explode cars your meter goes down and after it breaks the half way mark the meter and electricity turns red. When your meter is red not only does your electricity become red but your skin turns gray, the sky becomes red, and people fear you too. And the more crime and chaos you make the more higher your evil meter goes up and people start to throw rocks at you and these special cops shoot you as well. If you want to become good again you have to help people by healing them and stopping criminals. Cole has great climbing abilities too. He can climb up walls by grabbing onto window posts, poles, wires, etc. There is also a railroad track and when Cole jumps onto a railroad rail he can glide across it which helps him travel faster you can also do that on electric wires too. You can also glide off of buildings too. Infamous is an awesome free roaming game that I recommend to all PS3 owners.