Well balanced action game with nice graphics, fun superpowers, and great storytelling

User Rating: 9 | inFamous PS3
The presentation great. The city looks great during the day, and it lights up nicely at night. The areas of the city with no electricity look dim and its and very nice touch. the character models are great, the art design for the villians is original. Images of the hooded gang members with AK-47's taking cover behind dumpsters - will never leave my mind. The AI is impressive relative to most games. The enemies know how to evade your fire, and usually they aren't caught doing anything stupid. The superpower system is really fun, but attaining them is a little repetitive. The controls are responsive, and getting headshots is somewhat addictive. This game really made me feel like a superhero. The morality system is mediocre at best, sometimes forgettable. The story is nice, and I really connected with all the characters. The cut-scenes are tasteful, and the narration is crisp and to the point. There is good replay value, because you can be evil or good, having a completely different set of superpowers respectively. The boss fights were decent, but a little lacking in depth.

great presentation
great AI
Fun superpower system
Responsive controls
great story
great replay value

mediocre boss fights
sometimes gets repetitive
mediocre morality system