Are you good or are you bad only you can decide certain actions in InFamous.

User Rating: 9 | inFamous PS3
InFamous is made by Sucker Punch the company that worked on the first 3 Sly Cooper games on the PS2.


You play the role of Cole McGrath who gets hit and has electrical powers that can blow up things and take down enemies.


The area is like say GTA but where you access a certain mission beat it and then carry on to progress the story and maybe get a new superpower. Also there are side missions which are in yellow that make you do a small task while some area good some end up being mostly the same.

As you progress through the story you will gain experience by either beating up enemies or doing missions you can upgrade certain abilities for better accuracy,more damage and other things as well. Some of the abilities you gain can be to throw like bombs,fireballs and even hover. I won't spoil anymore but they are all cool and all come into play in the game but some drain electrical powers but don't worry there's plenty of places to recharge and cause havoc.

Also along the way you can heal or drain people for experience and up your Hero or Villain status. Also you will come across things called Batteries which are Blue Crystal things and collect enough and they give you another slot for your destruction and also things called Dead Drops you have to activate with 32 in total.

Some of the battles in InFamous can be fierce and the enemy can swamp you from both sides. Some come in packs some pack serious firepower and later in the game you get giant like brutes and some of the battles can be frustrating if you are trying to get away and also most of the time they move so they are not that silly they are pretty smart.


The characters in the game most you talk to via your mobile and some of the scenery is amazing as well with lots of tall buildings and a very big city. Also the graphics look great as well for a PS3 exclusive.


About 20 hours of the main game but doing sidequests to clear up the city will add more time to it plus you will want to try and get the opposite ending if you did as a Hero or a Villain. For the perfectionist those Batteries and Dead Drops will take some finding too.

Overall Opinion

InFamous is a breath of fresh air a very enjoyable game which can get a bit annoying sometimes when the enemies started attacking you from all over the place. Having to choose a good thing or bad thing for certain sections gives you a good idea to go back and see what would happen if you did the opposite. One of the best PS3 exclusives on the market.

Overall Opinion 9.1