Injustice: Gods Among Us is a beautifully crafted fighting game that lives up to it's full potential.

User Rating: 9 | Injustice: Gods Among Us X360
Superheros are the heart of the comic world and the DC universe has always been my favorite. To the darkness of Batman, to the solitude and strength of Superman, and to finally, the swiftness of The Flash. The thing about DC is that it will always be in the second spotlight compared to Marvel, who has been in the Marvel vs. Capcom series for a while. In my opinion, that series has gone dull and I needed something to refresh my nerdy heart with fighting games.

I will say this before starting this review, that this game is in, no way shape or form, Mortal Kombat vs DC. By now, if you have read that, you should be giddy with excitement. Injustice actually does most DC characters justice. You know a game is good when you can make Aquaman actually look important.

Injustice tells the tale of our heros in the Justice League going over into a alternate reality where Superman rules supreme, Kim Jong-Il style. If you had read the prequel comics, this game follows after the fact. If you did not read the comics, the story is that Joker planted a bomb in the middle of Metropolis and then linked the detonator to Lois' heartbeart. Joker uses Scarecrow's fear gas on Superman. Superman begins to fight what he thinks is Doomsday, only to find out he has pummeled and badly beaten his love to death, whom of which is caring his unborn son.

In the story, you will fight basically the entire of roster of heros, including yourself. The major downside of this story is that it is incredibly short. I have always loved evil Superman and I felt a craving for more. That is the only complaint you will hear from me.

The game's real bread and butter is the multiplayer. You can take other players in a King of the Hill style match or just go one-on-one against just one player. The great thing about this game is that all the characters are unlocked from the get-go. If you don't feel like playing the story, you don't have to. Skip along to whatever you want.

The one thing I feel I must compliment the developers on is the awesomeness of the super moves. Much like fatalities in Mortal Kombat, a super move is the players special move they can that does devastating damage to the enemy. For example, Superman will upper cut you so hard that you will begin to fly in the space. Superman will then come up to space and proceed to punch back down to the ground below. All super moves are outrageous and tons of fun to watch.

All in all, Injustice: Gods Among Us takes everything that's good from previous fighting games and plants here for the taking. If you love the Mortal Kombat series and are looking for a new pick up, this is a must! I definitely give this game my seal of approval.