Injustice Gods Among Us is a feast for the eyes. Game play is swift with plenty to keep you occupied.

User Rating: 8 | Injustice: Gods Among Us PS3
There was plenty of hype in the lead up to Injustice Gods Among Us and I can completely understand why.
This game screams the game play of the MK series with little tweeks here and there to make it a stand alone game.
In essence the game concentrates on getting as much of the DC Universe in there as possible with infamous characters taking the lead like Superman and Batman and also involves other lesser known series charatcers such as Killer Frost and Raven. This game was primarily made for DC comic fans with references and cameo's galore and with the cut scenes and level transitions its a feast for the eyes regardless of if your a hardcore fan of DC or just picking up the game because it looks like a decent fighting game.
The Mechanics of the game work with short combo moves and signature moves like Batman with his grapple or Superman with his heat vision. Putting these moves together can take a bit of practice especially if your used to more combo orientated games like the Tekken series.
Having two life bars in one round seems like it wont take long to take an opponent down but the way they have designed the game is one life bar = one round with a small victory pose from the character that is able to decrease his opponents health into the next bar, this can make for a lengthy battle against more harder opponents.

The overall story for the game has the basic components that DC usually have within their story lines. Alternate dimensions have strong ties to the story mode which will thrill fans with the alternate costumes. Although the story is reminiscent of certain famous comic book storylines it seems to lack that driving factor for the story to progress and at times seems a bit pushed for a reason for a certain character to go up against another.
DC have tried to cover certain aspects like how Batman or Green Arrow are able to fight toe to toe with the likes of Doomsday or Superman and they cover that in a 15 seconds explaination which is involved within the story mode.

Despite the lack of story line the game overall is a brilliant game which tests gamers reaction times and overall fighting ability once you get to grips with individual character powers and combo's. The level transitions and Super moves are always a treat and is constantly showing impressive scenes to shock and amaze. The story is not the only part of this game with indivdual character challenges and also various battles with different conditions from beating all opponents in under 2 minutes to your character having his health decline constantly through poison effects.

The progression system within the game works with a level counter. You obviously start on level one and by completing battles it will reward you with XP based on what happened within the fight, this can consist of interactive items in the level being used to performing a level transition and how much health is left etc. etc. Starting from level 1 and working your way up to level 100 is a definite grind and can be difficult for a completionist. It's the first game to bring an iOS game that is similar in content but not in game play with certain costumes in the console version being unlocked by playing the iOS game. Some may find this cheap as the iOS game is much more of a grind and far more boring then its big brother.

Overall the game has plenty of content to keep a gamer going back to it and online battles serve as a drive to get better (despite certain players using Green arrow and Death Stroke for the easiest possible wins with distance attacks) I would recommend this game to DC fans and non DC fans as it caters to both genres.

Well Done DC and Netherealm you've created a game which is stunning to watch and although hard at times a pleasure to play.