A classic game that is cleverly thought out for its time.

User Rating: 9.1 | Jill of the Jungle PC
I won't rate this game based on todays standards as our standards for an amazing video game is near impossible to live up too. I will base this game off of the experience I have had with it. Playing Jill of the Jungle as a kid provided hours of game play with its cleverly thought out puzzles and action coupled with the nostalgia of me vine swinging my way through this 2D side scroller on our old IBM computer. Theres not really much to say about its sound and graphics if you like 8-bit processing then this game is nirvana! The sound is obviously nothing impressive even for its time but the simplistic sound effects are memorable in their own right and whenever you hear it, you'll know that someone must be playing "Jill of the Jungle" and nostalgia sets in. Visually, the color palette is laughable, but this was 1992 a time when gaming wasn't taken seriously. Now with cutting edge technology we can afford to have more than just primary on display. I'm going to rate this game as if I'm still that little 5 year old playing it in my grandparents living room. Games like this should never be compared to games today in a technical mindset, so I will rely on my experience to rate JotJ.