A fun, challenging PSN game that should be in any PS3 fan's collection.

User Rating: 9 | Joe Danger PS3
Joe Danger is a physics based racing game developed by Hello Games. The game is bright, colourful, and has great level design from start to finish. While the multiplayer is practically non-existent and the sandbox mode doesn't let you share your levels, the game is easily worth the $15 purchase just because of the single player.
You play the game as Joe Danger, A washed up stunt man who's trying to regain his title as the master of disaster. You play through eleven different tours, each with multiple levels, and each of those levels has multiple challenges for you to complete. The challenges vary from bowling, collecting stars, finding hidden stars, time challenges, never breaking a trick combo, collecting coins, landing on targets, racing, and a mix of some of the challenges (like hit all the targets without breaking your combo at the same time.) You unlock more levels by beating the previous one and by buying them with the gold stars you collect for completing challenges.
The levels you play through are very well done, and each feels unique and different. Unfortunately when you get to the seventh tour the game's difficulty rises sharply, it's not a big deal because as long as you do a lot of the challenges previously you won't need to stop and collect stars for the rest of the game. But it is kind of disappointing that it's sometimes frustrating to even get to the end of a level.
The single player is excellent, but another feature is the multiplayer, the multiplayer is stripped to basically nothing though. Other then leader boards there are no online competitive multiplayer modes, which seems like a missed opportunity. There is two-player split screen local multiplayer, but they only offer you six levels to race in, which won't hold your interest very long. Also all of the levels are only racing. It would have been nice if they let you do co-op throughout the career mode or at least have some form of co-op, but those features are not supported.
The level creation mode, dubbed sandbox mode, let's you create event levels and split screen levels. It includes many items from the career mode but some of the cooler ones they didn't put in, like a giant tiki statue that has arms that swing around and will hit you. They don't include a tutorial so you might be confused on how to do some of the concepts, but it's pretty straightforward so you'll figure out most of it pretty quickly. You can only have ten levels save up to one point, so while you may want to build a collection of split screen levels to expand your multiplayer experience, you won't be able to add many. You can share your levels with your friends online, but that's the thing, you can ONLY share them with your friends, no public sharing with everyone who owns this game. You can also only download levels your friends send you, if they don't send their levels you can't play them. The downloaded levels also take up one of your ten spots, so you don't really have a lot of space.
This game is still worth a purchase just because of the single player. The sandbox is a nice edition; it's just too bad they didn't expand it more. The multiplayer would have been better with online support and more levels. But I wouldn't even care if it was taken out of the game because the single player is that good. This game is a lot of fun and will please any fans of the Trials series or the original Excite Bike but is worth a purchase from anyone looking for a new PSN game to buy.