Not worth playing at all

User Rating: 5 | Killzone 2 PS3

Owning the Killzone trilogy is not cool. The first game is a horrible joke, the second is a much better production but still has some of the worst controls I've ever used. The story is only slightly more interesting than the first and that's not saying much. Everyone is on a kill frenzy, because well, that's the mindset you need. Mindlessly following nav points, killing a bunch of Helghast. Yayyy.

I have to keep reminding myself these games are old, and for the time they came out they were the best that could be offered. But I don't believe that. I had to force myself through the first one, and it hardly has anything to do with the second. You can easily pick up any sequel and begin playing without any knowledge needed of the previous games. Buying the trilogy was a mistake.

The second game while better than the first, is not enjoyable. It's difficult to aim, reloading takes forever, and everything is either running at your face or your buddies are getting in your way. It's some of the worst AI I have ever seen. I don't think anyone would run at your face and take a bunch of bullets and not have any reaction just to swing a knife at you.

Headshots are annoying because you first have to take the helmet off, then you can headshot. Every enemy takes 4-10 shots to kill it. It's rather stupid. If I shot a person in the leg I could understand having to shoot them in the torso or head again. But unloading 3 bullets into someone and they just run around like nothing happens is really stupid. They don't slow down, they don't bleed out, they just keep coming. What are they... demons??

There isn't much to Killzone 2, just like Killzone 1. Run and shoot, no variety aside from vehicles and that's just drive and shoot. They never think to add something else, like exploring, unraveling a mystery, getting to know characters... you literally do not care about these guys. In fact you could be a different solider in every mission and you wouldn't know it.

I'll never understand why FPS are on consoles. The targetting is stupid, if you can't make the sensitivity or accuracy properly then why are you selling this game? It's a pain in the ass to get my target where I want it, even after getting really good at it, I still have to fiddle around moving the target back and forth, up and down, here and there just to hit what I want. I don't feel like that's fun at all. I feel like an idiot with a gun and not a solider qualified for duty.

Terrible game.