Pretty fun/Frustrating.

User Rating: 8.4 | Killzone: Liberation PSP
I just got this game, and wow you know, after playing for about 40 minutes, it's pretty badass. Here's how it goes.

Gameplay: VERY different from the first Killzone. There's no more run-n-gun, now it's duck and cover. Yes, this time it's Killzone, but with a Strategy wrapper. Sometimes when you get a second person with you, they might help, but sometimes they're s.o.b. annoyances. Sometimes, they don't duck OR get to cover. Well yeah yeah, you can order them, but they still don't duck >.> . All in all this is a pretty fresh and cool concept. Of course, you're wondering why we can't just blaze through the enemies. Well to answer that, this time, if you do that, you will die. Fast. Yep, that means your Health is drasticly low, even at full bar all the time. Get about 5 people shooting at you at the same time, well you're dead unless you get to cover. The Boss battle are pretty exciting, and a pain in the ass if you suck.

Graphics: One word. Beautiful. The opening cinema leaves you with awe, and ingame, there's ragdoll physics. So not only it looks real when you or an enemy die, they're body moves too. Although, there is also stupid body problems with it getting stuck into walls and floors. The rest look ok by PSP standards, but when you plant a C4, it looks amazing. Graphics are good.

Sound: The music is alright, but the weapon noises is where the moneys at. The bullet sounds of hitting hard metal sounds very real, and the background noises of explosions and screamin just adds to the badass-ness. Explosion sounds are pretty neat too. It also seems though, like the people in the game like to say **** Ha, it just adds to the coolness :D

Value: This game right now is single-handedly the BEST PSP game (for me anyways). First PSP game I bought (my other ones came with my psp) and I'm loving it. I haven't dont multiplayer yet, but I should be doing that by the weekend. If you like strategy, shooters, and own a PSP, then GET THIS GAME!

Bravo Guerrilla. Bravo.