Visually Imaginative

User Rating: 7 | Knack PS4

First, this game is a platformer, so don't expect too many fighting moves. Sure, it would have been nice if the game had used the trigger buttons and offered more options, but it is still fun to play. I am not usually much of a platformer, but this game doesn't annoy with frustrating jumping stuff where the camera angle makes it difficult to see where you are going like in other games I've played. It is pretty straightforward and requires that you master timing as that is pretty much the key to the game, aside from pattern recognition. As I have seen others allude, this game is absolutely flawless as I didn't encounter a single bug. Also, the visuals are really cool. Knack sometimes has many hundreds of interacting parts, that are flawlessly programmed. It is inexcusable to give such a polished game a 4. I am playing it through a second time and am enjoying it more since my timing is better, and I can avoid enemy attacks more easily and smash them, which is a lot of fun.