I feeL sorry for those who didn't pLay this awesome game!

User Rating: 8.4 | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver PS
SouL Reaver Legacy of kain was unbeLievabLy amazing, you get to fLy, inhaLe souLs and take your revenge from your brothers who betrayed you with Kain. The game was reaLLy an exciting game you couLd traveL through 2 worLds, one is the underworLd and the other is the normaL worLd and you need to traveL through both of the worLd in the right time to soLve some puzzLes, and for every boss (your brothers) you face you don't just go and sLash him up but instead you shouLd focus on soLving a way to find out his weakness and then destroy him.