This game was an absolute blast from start to finish with a well developed story about revenge.

User Rating: 9 | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver PS
Easily the first action adventure game I ever played, and easily said the game that hooked me on to that particular genre. It would have to the story line that pulled me initially. You are a lieutenant in a vampire army who gets thrown into the abyss by your brothers and the leader of the vampires, because you have evolved beyond the leader. Left for dead year pass and you awake as a new creature far worse than a vampire a soul reaver, to hell with blood I’m taking your soul. So through out the game you run around fighting evolved versions of vampires that are the spawn of your brethren looking for each of your back stabbing brothers. Once you have killed all four of your brothers and receiving a gift upon each of their death, you set out after Kain the leader. This game was an absolute blast from start to finish with a well developed story about revenge.