Innovative, yes! Soul Reaver is a really creative way to make a game. It also was one I never could beat.

User Rating: 8.1 | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver PS
Reaver was well made, back when Eidos was in a throne, rather than a hotseat. The game was well crafted with a system that allows Raziel to switch his existence between the real world and underworld, which depending on where you were distorted the game environment. Example= in the real world a door is locked, switch to the underworld and that door has rotted away (that kind of thing).

The problem I ran into was that with two game worlds it was twice as hard to figure out what to do, and where to go. The confusion eventually annoyed me, and i never finished the game.

I kinda wish I had completed it though, as 'Legacy of Kain' storylines have a penchant for being really good, and i missed out on the tale by not finishing. if you have the means though i highly recommend picking up this ps1 classic.