User Rating: 9.3 | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver PS
Soul Reaver worked itself out to a 9.3 on GameSpot's scale for me! That's pretty high, but this game owns to the bone. By the way, these reviews are in no way supposed to be good at all, just trying to get the point across for potential buyers. Soul Reaver has some wonderful gameplay, the best puzzles I think I've ever seen in an action game before, and a great story to boot. It's a beautiful looking game as well as great sounding. It's not all that long, but you'll probably play it a few times over just because it's so damn cool. If you are in to sweet stylish action games, this is one of the best to play. I highly recommend it to every one who has a Dreamcast or a Playstation right now. Also, check out the other games in the series, they rock the house too.