Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver is a brilliant game.

User Rating: 8.4 | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Trapezoid Box) PC
My PC is pretty old, so I can't play very recent games (the most recent game I have is Black & White and it doesn't even run well, so...). I'm a fan of the Kain universe, but I only played Soul Reaver 2 and Blood Omen 2. I'm still trying to get my hands on Blood Omen : Legacy of Kain, but I found Soul Reaver, and it was only 10$CDN so I picked it up. Of course, the graphics aren't as smooth as the PS2 version of SR2, and the framerate is similar to the one in the PS2 version of Blood Omen 2 (pretty shaky...), and the game crashes some times, but even with these issues, Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver is one of the best games I have played on the PC, even if the controls are hard (I had to reconfigure the controls to make them more comfortable, but it's still hard to control...) Since I had played Soul Reaver 2 before, I wasn't surprised of the gameplay, only the fact that the vampires can't be killed only by fighting, they must be impaled or burned by fire, sunlight or water, took a while for me to get into. The glyph energy is pointless, except for the fire one, which kills enemies but costs much energy, as well as the sunlight, but the others like earthquake, sound or water are useless. Otherwise, Soul Reaver is a brilliant game that mustn't be missed by fans of the series.