I review Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, the first Lego game I've played.

User Rating: 9 | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga X360
Graphics: 9/10 The graphics are very solid and colorful. They definitely feel "Star Wars"-y. At the same time they're very simple and serve the game well. The only downside to the graphics is that there is some incidence of screen tearing.

Sound: 8/10 The classic and well-known Star Wars music and sound effects are all there, but what about voicework? Voiceover would have been nice, especially from the original cast (even the recordings of dialogue from the movies would be cool).

Control: 10/10 The controls for this game are simple, effective, and handle well. I have no complaints in this department.

Content: 10/10 The game provides a generally nice Star Wars experience. The gameplay is very easy to get into (the game well deserves its E10+ rating from the ESRB) and there are plenty of adventuring and extras to be had. Overall, a nice change of pace if you usually play other genres of games.