"This game is almost perfect, but the flaws it does have are painfully close to being deal breakers".

User Rating: 8 | LEGO Universe PC
So I've played now for about 15 or so hours. I've taken to the time to explore each scene I come across and already I only have 1 of the six available zones left to look at. Of these zones only 3 are actual kill stuff, quest, and gear up type locations. The others are the 5 minute long tutorial scene, the games main hub (where you go to other zones from) and a tiny tiny world where you go to learn about taming pets.

Don't get me wrong, what I've played so far I've really enjoyed, but I'm less than 20 hours in and have already seen much of the visual content. I'm worried that within a week there will be little left to keep me coming back.

As you kill monsters, complete quests and fulfil achievements you get bricks which you can use on your own private piece of land to build up models. You can then program the models to respond to you, other characters and some limited autonomous behaviour.

The engine used for building the model I really can't fault, it's easy, quick and fun. You can rotate colour and group pieces together and pivot items on their hinges. I really can't fault the way you build.

The programming on the other hand is very lacking. It's very easy to understand and use but it's pretty limited. You can for instance have it move around, rotate, deconstruct/reconstruct, flee, you can even have it say sentences. However you can't have a hinge move. So for instance you walk up to your awesome castle, arrive at the gate but OH NOES... you can't open the gate. This is a fairly major flaw, it means that your model is for all intensive purposes static. There are some work arounds for these issues, but they aren't by any means ideal.

Lastly this game is designed with kids in mind. As a result everything you as can do to interact with others is very heavily controlled. Every time you name something or change you piece of land it has to be approved by some guy at the LU office before others can see it. Also when you are chatting with others you can only used a predefined approved list of words. This makes perfect sense from a protect your child from the wilds of the internet point of view but is a total pain in the ass from almost any other point of view... For example someone asks in general chat "where can I find the tortoise". To which I replied "it spawns on the beach" except that the word 'beach' isn't on the approved list so I can't say it. I instead go for "it spawns on the sand" which is vague at best.

They got right what so many others have gotten wrong. The safety thing I can understand. Some of the other problems just seem completely avoidable. I hope these problems are fixed in a patch. This game is so close to being the definitive virtual Lego experience.