Too short, but a lot of fun with some good puzzels.

User Rating: 7 | Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail MOBI
I adjust gameplay with controls as the controls often can affect how much you enjoy a game. Weighted it controls 1: gameplay 4.

This game was reviewed using a Nokia E61 mobile:

Gameplay/Controls: 7/10
9 for Controls and 7 for Gameplay. The controls are really good and well thought out, and made it a pleasure to play, even on the E61 which has a keyboard, thus to get a number (which is what the controls normally are) requires two buttons to be pressed. Most of the controls can be done through the joystick. No ability to change controls but not an issue with this game.
Gameplay is pretty good though far too short. Just as you are really getting into the story it ends. What a shame. Its a bit too easy in that I scored 100% first time around, though I did really have to think about some of the puzzels which prevented the game from being a total walkover.

Graphics: 8/10
Only 2D, but plenty of detail on the sprites and good backgrounds which make it an absolute pleasure to view and really fits the game.

Sound: 1/10
Absolutely woeful - just be thankful that you can turn it off. There isn't an option to lower the volume.

Value: 8/10
Got it as a bargin deal - half price so am not complaining. Would not be worth the full price as it is too short and there is no real replay value, unless you somehow manage not to complete 100% first time - even then probably not worth it. You do get a bonus code which you are supposed to be able to user on the game's website, but no option to enter it at this stage.

Rent or Buy?
This game rent as there is no replay value.

Reviewers Tilt: 8/10
Its a good game that is easy to play of the mobile that will definitely keep you occupied for a couple of hours at least.