Will Larry ever find Love? Unfortunately, Larry only gets his chain pulled from the women that he dates.

User Rating: 8.3 | Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! PC
I remember playing the original Leisure Suit Larry and the Land of he Lounge Lizards game with my friend on his (new at the time) monochrome monitor. It was fun playing the playful character of Larry as you tried to get him hooked up with a Lady. We spent countless hours starring up at that green and black screen.

I went on to play other games of the series. This one was one of the better games overall. It had great graphics for a LSL game. The sound was also the best I have heard from the series. The play is basic click the mouse to move game and choosing the right things to say to the Ladies, hoping to get Lucky. Also the game had a little more moments of adventure and lots of low brow humor.

After Larry successfully gets together with a Lady the game gave you a screen saver of that Woman in a seductive pose. Unfortunately the game was made for Win 98 and now that i've upgraded to XP it is no longer playable on my system. Sometimes i really miss those Leisure Games.