
User Rating: 7.7 | Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events GBA
I'm enjoying this game ... it's different than most of the other violent games that i find appealling. The object is to progress through Count Olaf's tasks by assembling inventions that enable the player to complete the tasks. There is still violence, such as throwing apples at bad guys. However, the violence is more subdued and has absolutely no gore ... so this game from what i've seen so far may be appropriate for young children. There is a lot of reading involved in the story of this game, so you would probably want a child that is of reading age to enjoy this game the most. My five year old son and i play this game together and i read him the dialoque when required. This is a 2d side scrolling game that has fairly simple controls and the R button allows the player to interact with found objects in the environment. The player can choose to play as any of the three baudiler children ... klaus, sonny and violet each have their particular talents that make them useful in varying situations. Sonny is especially useful when getting into tight spaces. The music and sound is appealing and really helps to build a suspenseful mood. it's similar to the castlevania series for the GBA in that when you return to a room you have been in previously all of the objects from the original room are available again. Thsi is useful for backtracking when your character needs more health or ammo. This is a unique game and may be a nice change of pace to add to your collection.