One of the best PS3 games out there...

User Rating: 10 | LittleBigPlanet PS3

My 49th review after Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Well this game is cute and fun. It's one of the best games for the PS3. It's about some sacked character named Sackboy and there are some awesome and fun levels. You can also change different colors and costumes on him. This game will get an A++! Here the results:

Voice-acting 10/10: Great voices makes it a great fun game!

Game-play 10/10: The game-play is fun, charming, and addicting, but in multiplayer mode, the camera doesn't play well. The camera just struggles. That's one thing what's bad about this game.

Graphics 10/10: The graphics are so bright and colorful.

Controls 9/10: The controls are just interestingly simple.

Sound/Music 8/10: The soundtrack is just plain great.

Lasting Appeal 10/10: The game can be cute, addicting, fun, and charming for PS3 owners.

Overall, LittleBigPlanet is a cute, charming, and fun game. It is one of the best PS3 games ever.

The Good:

-Incredibly, awesome levels

-Great soundtrack

-Terrific voice-acting

-Sackboy is a very cute character

The Bad:

-Sluggish camera in multiplayer

-The story mode is short

But anyway, good day everyone! That's the end of my review.

LittleBigPlanet gets a 10 out of 10!
