Got this game and not a PS3? Then you have to go to jail!

User Rating: 10 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Have you heard of the game LittleBigPlanet? The game where you control rag dolls in levels that look like playgrounds? The one that looks like a kid's game and got multiple GOTY awards? That LittleBigPlanet? Yep, this is the one.
Sound unusual? Sound quirky? Sound like it's a genre buster? It's all of these, in perfect blend of never seen before charm.
The game firstly is one that's beyond charming. It control adoringly cute Sack people who play in these playgrounds of pure imagination and life and bursting with colour.
It's a game that's hard to describe, you control a sack boy in these playgrounds that you'll find difficult to leave afterwards. The best thing about it is that it's pure, more than I've had in any platformer. The graphics are slick and the soundtrack is sublime. The narration by British comedian Stephen Fry just adds to the whole charm of the game, which helps you along the way and also warns you not to post anything rude online.
The best is the online. The level design and creation is near limitless and near impossibly long and sublime. The online levels give you a smile every time you browse through one of the 5 million online levels and search for fellow Sack persons.
Graphics – 9 Animation's slightly off
Audio – 10 Sublime soundtrack
Controls – 8 A little time that takes to get used to
Replay value – 10 Why is my hand glued to the controller and why have I been sitting here since I got the game?
Online – Online levels are shockingly brillant
• Extremely charming
• Surprisingly not a kid's game
• Online is always busy and there are 5 million online levels
• Revolutionary level design
• Co-op is extremely rewarding
• Brilliant soundtrack
The bad:
• Camera is shifty
• Long loading times
All in all, LittleBigPlanet is a near flawless game that no one should miss out on and it's one of the greatest games of all time.