The best game on PS3 so far to show off - Play. Create. Share. A simply amazing story and unique multiplayer experience.

User Rating: 9.5 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Little Big Planet is one of the best games I've played, Some may be put off by its childish appeal but I'm a huge fan of first-persons shooters, role playing games and even racing, and yet this is a must play game for everyone.

It pushes the boundary's of what a platform game is, how it's 'supposed' to be played and what you can do. The story is great and along the way you collect more and more prize bubbles which give you items to use to create your own levels and rack up high score to show off to your friends. This makes the game very fun and competitive from the very beginning, trying to pass the level without dying to get those extra items like costumes. The story can also be played online with friends or unknowns and there is of course split-screen. This game can be played single player but for the best experience, 4-Player is awesome.

Everything in LBP can be customized, your costume, your 'Pod', your levels and much more. This extends the game far beyond any normal platformer and ultimately give you more bang for your buck with thousands of player-created levels to play through and the opportunity to make your own to share with the world. Creation tools are easy to use and you can still end up with some cool and complex mechanisms to add to your levels.

Little Big Planet is very well paced and is at times very challenging but well worth it. Trophies can be acquired throughout the game and they are very evenly spaced out, the only ones that take a bit longer are the online ones which give you the incentive to play other players levels and create you own. Overall it is a fantastic game that is ever growing, more DLC is being added monthly which give you more items, new stories and cooler costumes (Including costumes from characters in you favorite PS3 games e.g. Metal Gear Solid, Resistance and many more). The possibilities for this game are endless and I can't wait for the sequel.