This is a very fun and entertaining game i recomend it to gamers of all ages and if you dont have it get it or hire it!!

User Rating: 9 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Little Big Planet is by far one of my favourite games.And one of the weirdest but at the same time one of the funnest to play.At some times it can be hard eg uncle jalapenos boom town.Some times it can can get so annoying that you feel like that getting a baseball bat and smashing the PS3 and getting the controller and throwing it at the TV!.The actual characters dont talk although they come up with a speech bubble and make funny sounds like burping or gives a great co op campaign but if one of the players leaves another behind then the one who was left behind will explode and will have to wait until the next checkpoint or until the other player also features a great level creator that lets you put in anything it that you want it can be on any topic such as halo or resistance and then post it online if you have it.Overall it is a great game and is fun to play for gamers of all ages.If you dont have it i recomend getting it or hiring it and trying it out.And so that ends my review.So stay tuned for more reviews.And so i give it a 9.0 out of 10!