Endless possibilities indeed.

User Rating: 9.5 | LittleBigPlanet PS3
Playing in your air-conditioned room, with the sun shining thru the window, controller in ur hand and two full months of summer ahead. Amazing !!
This game is of the type that at first looks like its gonna be friggin boring. But two days later you find out out its so fun ur getting addicted ! At least that what happened with me. Wow ! I gotta say this game seriusly grows on you !
There's barely any story over here, some might think a negative, but LittleBIGPlanet was never meant to be telling stories. Its just plain fun, and freaking good at that too. I thought it was an innovative idea to develop a game like this but something inside told me it was gonna be boring, just jumping around and developing new levels by reshaping some stuff? But what do you know? It's fun as hell that's what.
You'll still have fun playing it alone, but this game is best played with others. Trust me. Us three friends were laughing our asses out while playing. One word describes it FUN!!
Oh I LOVE the name.