a yoonik! Mafia II review: The Godfather of gaming

User Rating: 8 | Mafia II PC
"Sorry, I forgot my wallet, okay?"


- Visuals provide a very authentic period-video game experience, with a pretty big and beautiful map of New York (Empire Bay) filled with terribly-handling cars

- Game plot isn't short of the tropes you've come to expect from a mobster tale - killing, betrayal, shootouts, violence, getting wasted, drugs, prostitution, and Tommy gun mayhem

- Pretty nice voice performance, lipsyncing animation notwithstanding

- Adequate cover-based gunplay and nice NPC reactions upon tasting my bullets

- Impressive physics system and environment destructibility which reminds me of that scene from that shootout from The Matrix where the walls crumble to pieces from all the bullets

- The fact that police all over the city will try and catch you when you commit any crime and not forget about it forever unless you change your dress or car

- Of course, the Playboy poster collectibles

Smooth Criminal, circa 1945
Smooth Criminal, circa 1945


- The lack of side activities to do outside of the main mission, which leads its large map being greatly underused

- The pretty monotonous and boring mission design, which will generally have you shooting guys in the face and, on occasion, wiping dirty toilets

- The pretty basic hand-to-hand combat

- The game's ending, which almost feels like a scene being cut while still in the middle of it