Facebook is killing what could be a great game.

User Rating: 4 | Mafia Wars by Zynga IOS
Mafia Wars is a social interactive game based upon mafia lore. It is a click-fest dependent on energy points to get the player through several different themed areas of which it is broken up into. The game can be addictive due to the drive to finish these areas.

The good part is that it can be fun: it has a lot of interactive dependencies and mini-games.

The bad part is Facebook - although it is also on Myspace, which is a better experience due to less interference, Facebook has the lion's share of user - it boggles the mind as to why - but it is what it is. the problem is that Facebook, while hosting the game (and many others), has staunchly refused to give this and any other game the proper support it needs to play fluidly. Much of the games restrictions are based on Facebook's irritating "rules".

Facebook punishes users for stupid stuff - like not having "real" friends: which makes it hard to gather a decent sized crew in order to play the game with any efficiency.

Facebook punishes users for stupid stuff like "clicking too fast" - noticeable in games when suddenly you are getting errors when trying to get through hundreds of gifts without taking all day to do so.

Facebook limits how much people can interact, and it is translated into the games as limitations on gifting, responding to requests, adding friends, etc. It is very difficult to gather resources and finish challenges because of Facebook's interference and constant threat to punish anyone who even inadvertently breaks a rule.

Nevertheless, Zynga continues to use Facebook - unaware that it is Facebook that needs them, not the other way around. They seem to be afraid to even try and test cutting the apron strings that are holding them back from being much more entertaining than they are.

Another bad thing is the items that are for sale for real money are rarely worth it - and tend to get phased out quickly by new additions.

mafia Ways doesn't have any special effects, music or sounds that i can recall - it's just pics and clicks. But it's potential is cut short by the actions of it's partners. Albeit still entertaining, it remains a casual and mostly frustrating affair.