Awful representation of a baseball sim. 2K Sports should be ashamed after the development of this title.

User Rating: 4 | Major League Baseball 2K10 X360
This is the first Baseball video game I purchased since MVP Baseball 2005 on my Nintendo GameCube, and it wasn't at all worth the upgrade. The only thing I can say that I enjoyed was the control scheme, being a pitcher the controls were extremely fun and had more strategy in them rather than pressing buttons. What I didn't like..... everything else. The presentation was poor, the stadiums looked nice but everything else did not. The player faces looked awful, even those who are household names. The developers also didn't exactly look at the player uniforms when they designed them, they used the wrong colour helmets on occasions and some alternates seemed to be completely customised and didn't match any uniforms worn by certain teams at any point in their history. The gameplay left me extremely frustrated every time I played, pitching was nearly impossible at times, at first I thought this was just because I was new to the game, but after 3 complete seasons I just can't stand it. The gameplay is also extremely unaccurate, watching the balls come off the bat is a shot in the dark; they never fly in the angle of the bat. This game caused me to purchase a Playstation 3 and pre-order MLB 11: The Show, don't waste your time on any 2K Sports title.