Mario & Luigi in their best game yet. *Spoiler Free*

User Rating: 10 | Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! DS
Mario stars in his third RPG with his brother Luigi, and yes, its awesome. Mario is in the Mushroom kingdom with Peach and Luigi while Bowser gets talked into eating a special mushroom that makes him inhale an insane amount of the kingdom. So in other words, you are stuck inside Bowser and you have to get out.

The game is split evenly between Mario/Luigi and Bowser. So 1/2 of the game you will be wandering around Bowser's 2D insides, and the other half you will be running around the 3D world as Bowser trying to get the Mario Bros out.

The game features the classic Mario turn-based combat. Where you take turns beating the crap out of the enemies and visa versa. Throughout the game you will find little boxes with an "A" on it that will give you a puzzle piece looking thing, if you collect 10 of those then you learn a new combo where Mario and Luigi will team up and deal out massive amounts of damage to an enemy.

One more thing before we head to the pros/cons section, I must say that the game is absolutely hilarious. One of the funniest I have played. The only game that rivals it is portal. You will have an absolute blast playing this and it will keep you coming back until the end.

- Hilarious
- Addicting
- Nice split/screen story
- Ingenious level design
- innovative control scheme
- Nice hand drawn graphics
- Excellent level up system

- Some of the combos are a little tricky to get down.

Story: 10/10
One of the weirdest we have ever seen, but the 1/2 hour of text screens really get you into the story

Sound: 10/10
Everything is epic, there isn't a ton of voice acting, but in the few parts there are, you are usually in for a treat

Controls: 9/10
I have never seen controls like this before, the only reason it doesn't get a 10 is due to the fact that you have to press the A and B button at the same time for both brothers to jump, and it doesn't always feel right. But other than that, some of the best I have ever seen

Difficulty: 10/10
This will welcome anyone, veterans to newbies, it isn't too hard, but it isn't too easy.

Presentation: 10/10
Excellent menus, awesome level up system that is more than welcome to the mix.

Graphics: 10/10
Awesome hand drawn graphics, everything is nicely detailed, and is some good eye candy

Gameplay: 10/10
Easy to use, but good for the veteran gamers as well

"Fun" Factor: 10/10
This is what Mario is all about here, is the Fun, everything leads to an awesome gaming experience

Should I get it?
If you own a Nintendo DS, then you need it. Easily one of the best games available for the DS.