A truly unique Mario RPG game indeed.

User Rating: 10 | Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! DS
A unique storyline, battle system, character moves and new places to go such as Bowser's body, some truly amazing cutscenes like Bowser vs. his castle and something for the brothers to do while in Bowser's body like buffing him up and fixing some problems in his body. The way you play as Bowser as one of the main characters gives Mario games a truly unique experience. The story tells us of many twists of events and unexpected stuff.

The badge system is an excellent addition indeed as it makes a battle more balanced. You must fill the bar to use the badge's effect. Finding attack pieces for your bros. attack is a challenge for you to handle. Bowser gains most of his Special attacks in the story. The bros. Special attack utilizes items to defeat the enemy while most of Bowser's special attacks consists of using his troops/minions. There are many items and equipment for you to use and equip. The items are bought at different stores for different characters such as toad inside Bowser and that block head guy named Broque Monsieur for Bowser's equipment also he also offers full healing for Bowser. Finding all the blitties for Broque Monsieur gives you his dog Broggy for use as Bowser's special attack. The challenge node offers you a chance to battle some of the games bosses more powerful than ever.

A game like this deserves a good score and this game is worth buying and playing as this game is truly unique and legendary .
if you love RPG games or If you just love Mario games, Try it out! this game is very addictive.

Story: 5/5 (The story is just Epic!)
Battle system: 5/5 (many additions since the last two games)
Music: 5/5 (Great music score)
level up system: 5/5 (Great system and a new rank system)
Gameplay: 5/5 (Game is worth playing)
cutscenes: 5/5 (Epic cutscenes)
Special attack: 4.5/5 (just keep practicing those attacks)
Humor/Comic relief: 5/5 (This game is just very funny)

Thank you for reading my game review. Good luck and may good gameplay reach you when you play the game.